These strategies to stay motivated and positive combine seamlessly to create the perfect Sunday recharge routine! I know it’s hard to figure out how to relax in one day, but these three recharging activities are designed to help you feel calm, competent, and ready to take on the world come Monday morning.
This post with simple Sunday reset ideas will help you prepare for your best week… every week. What a great way to simplify your life and practice more intentional living.
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Why We Need A Sunday Reset Routine
As we hurtle through the days, weeks, months, and years of our lives, it often seems as if we’re constantly striving to keep up with a world that is moving just a little faster every day.
It’s true, most of us do try to cram more into our time now than people used to years ago.
What does this mean for you? Simply put, finding time to recharge yourself, reset, and get a grip on your goals and plans is more vital than ever.
When Sunday rolls around, it’s time to decompress from the busyness of the week just past and prepare for a productive and purposeful new one.
Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. The reset and recharge time spent on Sunday will save you time and stress throughout the week. Plus, you’ll be able to take better care of those around you when you’ve cared well for yourself.
A Sunday recharge is an essential part of ensuring that you’ve got the energy to tackle the week ahead.
By planning and taking care of ourselves on Sundays with simple reset activities like tidying up, journaling, and stretching, we’ll be better equipped to tackle even the busiest Mondays and well on our way toward success in the week ahead.
How To Recharge And Reset On A Sunday
My favorite thing to do on Sundays at home is reset myself and my home for the week ahead. I find that if I start my week off on the right foot, everything else falls into place much more easily.
This simple 3-part Sunday recharge routine helps me do just that, allowing me to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and organization.
So let’s talk about how to do a Sunday reset with some tips to quiet your mind and plan your week.
Ideally, you should block out three 30-minute sections of time.
Do NOT feel selfish about this.
The first time you try, it might be difficult. You’ll be thinking about all the other things you “should” be doing.
But with practice, you’ll find a rhythm and fine-tune a routine that you love and can stick with.
Give these Sunday tips a try and see how they work for you!
Things To Do On Sunday To Prepare For The Week
I like to think of a Sunday recharge and reset in 3 separate parts:
- 30 minutes quiet
- 30 minutes planning
- 30 minutes preparing (taking action)
Make every Sunday extra special and do something beneficial for your body, mind, and home.
30 Minutes of Quiet to Recharge
Start by taking thirty minutes of quiet, setting the intention for your Sunday rest. Using this self-care Sunday practice will help restore balance and give you the clarity to move forward with a sense of purpose and direction.
It may seem like a small act, but taking thirty minutes for yourself on Sunday will help re-energize your body, mind, and spirit heading into the new week.
Choose ONE of the following to “fill your cup”:
- Read
- Nap
- Meditate
- Journal (Try these 11 Weekly Journal Prompts For An Effective Weekend Reset)
- Take a walk
- Sit outside and simply enjoy nature
The idea is to give your brain a rest and refresh your body. Set the timer on your phone or your smartwatch if you’re normally a clock-watcher, but turn off other notifications. Constant texts or calls will NOT help you relax.
When your quiet time is up, you should feel ready to tackle the rest of the day. Take a deep breath, smile, and move forward.
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30 Minutes of Sunday Planning
Grab your planner (Tools4Wisdom planners are among my favorites), calendar, or whatever you use to keep track of your life.
I’ll often print out some of my own planning pages, especially during the times I’m not really into using a full-blown book-style planner.
- Write down appointments and block out travel time.
- Plan meals. Check the pantry, fridge, and freezer to see what needs to be used first and to make sure you have the ingredients you need. (Click here to get my meal planning printables.)
- Decide what you will wear every day. This is super-easy if you have a minimalist wardrobe or wear a uniform.
- Write down your goals for the week. Are they realistic and necessary? Are they helping you work toward one goal or focus? Cross off anything to which you don’t answer “yes.”
- Break your goals down into daily task lists if necessary or if that’s how you use your planner.
For more details on planning, you’ll want to dig into my post about Sunday planning for the week.
30 Minutes Preparing for the Week
Now it’s time to take action and zip through some tasks. You’ll want to do these things quickly so that you can get back to your Sunday relaxing.
Things to do on Sunday to prepare for the week:
- Sign school papers, fill out appointment paperwork, etc.
- Coordinate your appointments and tasks with a digital calendar or reminder app if you use one.
- Email reminders to others who may be meeting or working with you.
- Gather recipes and meal ingredients in one place.
- Pair clothing and accessories for the week.
- Do a FAST tidy of your usual clutter spots.
That might feel like a big list for only 30 minutes. I recommend setting a stopwatch or a timer for each task. Then, practice beating your fastest time every week.
If you want to spend a little more time preparing, consider doing these things:
More Sunday Intentional Living Inspiration
Eliminate Decision Fatigue — Add “Flow” to Your Day & Relieve Stress
20 Ideal Slow Down Sunday Quotes
How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe – Be More With Less
10 Simple Yet Productive Things To Do On The Weekend
The Goal Journey Annual Goal Planner — This printable goal planner is designed to streamline your goal-setting process, allowing you to focus on one goal at a time and adapt as life evolves. Get the extra stuff out of your head, let go of the regrets and ‘should-dos,’ and start accomplishing the goals that really matter to YOU.
Concluding Thoughts On ‘How To Sunday’
Don’t be overwhelmed at the thought of finding 90 minutes to relax, plan, and prepare all in one day.
If you usually sleep in on Sundays, then get up 30 minutes earlier and have your quiet time. If you usually linger over breakfast, then spend part of that time planning your week. Or choose to turn off the television a little earlier so you can plan and prepare for the next week.
Could you cut down on the time, perhaps only spending 20 minutes on each section? Sure, if that works for you or you don’t have a lot going on that needs to be planned or prepped. I just know that things always take longer than I *think* they will, so I like to build in a buffer.
These are all suggestions, and you have to make your days and schedule work for YOU, but I cannot stress enough the difference you will feel by taking the time to do a Sunday recharge every week.
Getting into this routine will not only help you to focus better but also give you some clarity around your goals, so get going and commit to doing a recharge and reset every Sunday!
When Sunday is over, you can go to bed and sleep well, knowing you’ll be ready to take on the world come Monday morning as you Build Your Best Life.
You’ve got this!
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Originally published March 16, 2018.
Updated February 12, 2023.
These are all great suggestions, Julie, and for those who are feeling stressed about finding 90 more minutes to perform these activities, I’d suggest that those 90 minutes will save much more time throughout the week, so you actually come out ahead! I found your post on the Bloggers Pit Stop and have shared on social media!
Hi Christie! I’m so glad you stopped by! I know that the time I spend refreshing and planning DEFINITELY saves me more time… thank you for mentioning that! Thanks for the share and see you next week at the Pit Stop!
I quite like the idea of taking these time slots to recharge and prepare yourself for the week ahead. I hate the thought of constantly just rushing around chasing my tail. I know we can personalize this so I would take out the nap time and do something like a foot soak. For some reason I always find this soothing. Perhaps it’s because I can’t really move or do much in this time so it gives me a chance to clear my head and then set things the way I want them in this old brain. Thanks for the tips Julie.
I sometimes wish businesses were still closed on Sundays like they were when I was young… it would force us to slow down once a week. A foot soak sounds amazing, love that idea! Thanks for the visit and the comment!
Hi Julie, I love your Sunday afternoon rest/refresh and catch up!! So glad I have landed on the blog, loads of refreshing ideas!! I look forward to delving deeper into it!! Keep up the great work!!
I love your blog post! I actually also recharge all my electronics and clean my purse and work bag during my prep blog. That way I know I have everything ready and charged when I go out the door in the morning.