Picture it: An organized, uncluttered, and peaceful home. No forgotten appointments or bill payments. Homework and business goals completed ahead of time. No paper piles. Fuss-free dinner on the table every night.
Does that sound like your home? Sort of? Not at all? Something you could only dream of because you can never quite catch up or “get it together?” You WANT to get organized and declutter, but maybe you’ve been running in circles so long that you don’t even know where to begin.
This post is for YOU.

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Getting Real
Okay, let’s get real for a moment.
One of your New Year’s resolutions this year may have been “Get Organized.” You just knew that by the end of January, you would have your ENTIRE LIFE organized and everything would be fabulous!
How’s that working out for you? If you’ve done it, awesome! You can probably stop reading this post now, because obviously you’ve got this covered. 😉
For everyone else, things may not be going as well. Why? Probably because you’re being vague and dreaming in big, general terms instead of getting specific.
Define a Clear Goal and Reason
“But what’s the point of getting organized if I can’t do it 100% AND immediately?”
I know, I know. When we come up with an idea, we want it all done NOW. But getting organized is never going to happen if you try to do it all at once.
- Do you organize the closets first?
- Or sort through all of the paper piles?
- Or create a system to get the family on board?
- Or find a new budgeting system so you never miss another payment?
- Or plan your meals for the next month?
- Or buy 3 different planners for each area of your life AND learn a new online calendar and project management system to coordinate everything?
Your perfectionism will overwhelm you, and you won’t ever take more than a couple of steps before giving it all up.
You have to get clear on WHAT you want to organize first and WHY you chose that area.
ONE THING, people. ONE THING at a time. Choose YOUR most important area.
Related post: Stop Thinking and Start Doing
Get the Proper Tools
I’m not talking about cleaning tools here. I mean “tools” as in what will help you get from here to where you want to be. You need a clear plan for HOW you’re going to accomplish the goal of conquering your ONE area.
You may like my 4-step process for how to organize a cluttered house.
If you’re ready to start decluttering with plenty of motivation and printable room-by-room checklists to help you on your journey, you’ll love my Successful Decluttering Field Guide!
Follow a Method That Works for YOU
You DON’T have to follow the latest organizing trends. It’s completely possible to create your own systems.
But, what I’ve found works the best for me is to look at what successful people do and follow their methods. I just have to understand that my working slower means it will take a little longer to reach my goals.
Remain Determined
Most importantly, you need to be determined to succeed. Set your mind to it, go in with a plan, and follow through step by step. If you TRULY want to get organized and bring more peace into your life and home, I know you can do it!
More Help To Get Organized And Declutter
Declutter Tips for When You’re Overwhelmed With Too Much Stuff
The Best Way to Organize Paper Files: 4 Tips for Organizing Files at Home
Decluttering Tips for Hoarders and Pack Rats: 11 Steps to Clutter Freedom
The Simple Refrigerator Command Center You’ll Actually Use
Let’s recap:
You want to get organized. You want it VERY badly. I hear you, because I want the same thing!
- Figure out your first area and WHY it’s the most important.
- Get the proper tools.
- Follow a method that works for YOU.
- Ramp up your determination. It’s what will get you through the difficult parts.
You’ve got this!
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