Let’s take a virtual walk through your home with a simple list of things to declutter that will make it easy to dive right in and start clearing the junk. This decluttering list will motivate you to get rid of stuff so fast, you’ll feel like a professional organizer.
This way to begin clearing clutter is one of my favorite declutter tips. Scroll down to grab your printable decluttering checklist today!

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Does this sound familiar? Some days it feels like the piles are closing in and the paths are shrinking. On top of that, you’re about to lose your mind if you have to move one more thing out of the way to get to the item you really need.
You need a place to begin and an idea of what to declutter *right now* — and I’ve got that right here for you.
Grab a trash bag and a donation box. You can start digging out of the mess today.
Why Do You Even Need a List of Things to Declutter?
All of these things to declutter in your home look easy on paper… Seriously, who should have to think about most of this stuff? But believe me, you’ll be surprised at how many of them you’re hanging on to.
Don’t think too hard about anything on this list. If you’ve got something that’s listed, get rid of it. You really, really will not miss it.
I talk a little bit about what you can do with the things you declutter down below the list, but let me just say this right now…
When you’re so overwhelmed by clutter and mess that you can’t envision ever digging yourself out, it’s okay to just grab a big black trash bag and fill it up for trash day. Don’t feel guilty, because you’re doing what’s best for you at the moment.
Things will get better! Just keep at it. Even a slow declutter — 10 minutes or 10 items per day — works wonders more quickly than you can imagine.
Now… let’s get to the list of things to get rid of and start purging that clutter today!
Bedroom and Closet

1. damaged sheets + blankets
2. extra top sheets
3. old or uncomfortable pillows
4. clothes that don’t fit
5. damaged clothing
6. uncomfortable shoes
7. clothing you haven’t worn in over a year
8. socks with holes or without mates
9. scarves + accessories you haven’t used in a year
10. wire hangers
11. free advertising t-shirts
12. broken or unused jewelry
13. old tote bags or backpacks
14. old or damaged luggage
Having a tough time with the closet? Here’s some help with why you fear decluttering clothes and how to stop making these excuses to avoid decluttering clothes. I promise, your world won’t collapse when you discard the stuff that’s not working for you!
Once you’ve worked through decluttering your wardrobe, you’ll want to move on and read about how to declutter your bedroom. A few brave souls may even be ready to do a minimalist bedroom declutter.

15. old make-up
16. travel-size toiletries
17. nearly-empty product bottles
18. expired sunblock
19. worn-out or ripped towels + washcloths
20. old nail care products
21. expired facial care products
Most of the time, you probably feel rushed when you’re preparing for the day. It’s definitely not the time to be sorting through expired and empty products. That’s not just frustrating, it’s dangerous!
Once you go through and get rid of the things on this list, you’ll be able to spend less time looking for what you need or wondering if it’s an item that’s safe to use. At that point, you can make full use of bathroom drawer organizer ideas.

22. expired refrigerator food
23. expired + mystery pantry items
24. chipped glasses and mugs
25. leaky water bottles
26. dishes from when your children were little
27. cooking tools, appliances, utensils you haven’t used in over a year
28. plastic containers without lids
29. plastic lids without containers
30. excess plastic containers that don’t stack easily
31. extra coffee mugs
32. extra shopping bags
33. worn-out scrubbers + sponges
34. mystery frozen foods
35. expired medicine + supplements
The kitchen is a hub for food preparation and cooking, as well as storage of ingredients and appliances. It’s also where your family will gather to eat or cook together. So it’s important that this room be free from clutter.
This starter list and a simple pantry declutter tutorial will help you declutter your kitchen now so it can start working for you instead of against you!
>> Click here to get the ’62 things to declutter’ printable checklist <<
Living Room

36. CDs
37. DVDs
38. VHS tapes
39. storage cabinets that used to hold the music and movies
40. books you no longer love or probably won’t finish reading
41. magazines
42. anything you’re tired of dusting
43. puzzles + board games with missing pieces
44. old remote controls
45. burned-down candles
46. old prescription eyeglasses
I know you may have gasped at the suggestion of decluttering books. I love books and reading, so please understand that this suggestion comes from a place of complete understanding.
That’s why I suggest first decluttering the books that would be easier to pass along. Allowing others to enjoy those books is a GOOD thing. You can do this!
Home Office

47. phone books
48. take-out menus
49. non-working pens, dried markers, broken pencils
50. expired insurance papers
51. unnecessary tax paperwork
52. manuals for products you no longer own
53. orphaned electronics cords + cables
54. old or broken electronics
55. crumpled or damaged craft items
With more of us working from home now, we need all the clear space we can get! Check out my complete post for how to organize a messy office.
If general paper clutter is an issue, I have some recommendations for paper organizing tools that may help.
Garage or Basement

56. paint cans (check local recycling/disposal guidelines)
57. expired or unused home + yard products
58. broken toys
59. broken anything else
60. excess or unused cleaners
61. repair parts for items you no longer own
62. unused exercise equipment
We all know what happens with basements and garages. They seem like amazing ‘extra’ storage spaces, but then EVERYTHING ends up there. Pretty soon we can’t even think about dealing with the mess.
Well, this list will get you started and then you can move on to how to organize a cluttered garage.
Why You Won’t Miss These Things
A – They’re old. Not the ‘vintage’ kind of old. The ‘I never really liked this or wanted to use it but I kept it anyway for 25 years’ kind of old. The ‘why did I buy this’ kind of old. The ‘expired in June 2012’ kind of old. The ‘I needed to buy a new one of these 10 years ago’ kind of old.
Let them go. Believe me, you are never going to say, ‘I sure wish I still had that lumpy old pillow that made my neck hurt.’ Or, ‘I’ll bet that package of freezer-burned mystery meat from the freezer would have made an amazing dinner.’
B – They’re broken. If you were ever actually going to get those things repaired, you would have done it by now. Pass them on or toss them out.
C – They no longer serve you and your family. This is really the most important, and that realization is one of the ways you can successfully change your decluttering mindset.
If you apply these criteria to everything in your home, you will find a ton more than 62 types of things to declutter.
But also, some things are more difficult to let go of. That’s why I talk about decluttering sentimental items in a separate post.
What To Do With the Stuff You’ve Decluttered

My first recommendation for the best way to get rid of stuff will ALWAYS be to donate as much as possible to local organizations and charities. Donating your clutter is a win-win because you end up with less stuff taking up space in your home and other people get items they actually need.
You can read all the reasons donating is the perfect solution when you’re decluttering and my recommendations for where and how you can donate.
Recycling is also an option for some items. Unfortunately, many recycling programs are accepting fewer types of recyclables now that profit margins are decreasing. In fact, our roadside recycling service no longer accepts glass. 🙁 It honestly kind of blows my mind in a very sad way.
If the decluttering process is new to you, don’t feel bad if many of these things end up in the trash. We tend to keep stuff far longer than the useful life span. By the time we let them go, they may be beyond repair — and donating items in that condition is actually not a cool thing to do.
Above all, always remember — your home is not a storage facility.
More Declutter Help and Inspiration
8 Strategies To Use When Your Partner Refuses to Declutter
Decluttering Tips for Hoarders and Pack Rats: 11 Steps to Clutter Freedom
Decluttering the Basement: One Corner at a Time — Setting My Intention
Top 7 Decluttering Mistakes for Overthinkers & How to Avoid Them
Get the Printable Decluttering Checklist
Ready to begin? Fill out the form below to have the 2-page printable declutter checklist sent right to your email box!
Did you enjoy this post? Know someone else who might like it? Please take a moment to share on Pinterest, Facebook, or your favorite social media… (Click the sharing buttons at the bottom of the post.) Thank you!

This is a good list. it is amazing what junk we hang on to and no longer need. We are planning a rainy Saturday clean out tomorrow. It is time to let a lot of old stuff go!
Hi Michele! I know, I’m always amazed at the things I keep for much too long. (Why?!) I hope your clean out went well!
Reading that list made me think of all my ORGANIZED JUNK I’ve hung onto! My daughter’s military and when her husband gets promoted and they move, she does that same thing!! Guess I need to clean out!!
I agree with you on a good many items, however, if I tried to get rid of VHS tapes, cassettes, cds, or DVDs, my husband would pitch a fit. He didn’t want me to replace the tv that he has the VCR hooked up to because he couldn’t watch VHS tapes. I even found a way to modify the VCR to work with a new TV and he was afraid to change. He has let new technology pass him by. His new company car doesn’t have a CD player in it. Guess who is complaining? I have not figured out how to make it work in his car. Message to younger people change with the times or get left behind.
This sounds like my dad. I’m pretty sure his truck has a tape deck that he uses.
It is Easter today and raining here and we are practicing social distancing / quarantine because of covid 19. Since there is nothing else to do I am going to start on the list for decluttering today thanks for the list
I am sitting here, also isolating myself because of Covid-19. I am older and at risk. If I die, I would hate for my kids to see what is actually in my house which is extremely cluttered. I haven’t had visitors for years because of the junk piled so high. So, I am starting to get rid of STUFF. Had a whole garbage bag of plastic grocery bags. lol Been making masks and I guess I’m just a mess maker. Thanks for giving me clues for each room. I hope the stay-at-home ends soon. One thing that is hard, like on Hoarders, I seem emotionally attached to JUNK. It may be a mental illness.
I am so proud of you for taking this step! It will get easier and you are giving your children a wonderful gift!
I’ve been trying to tell my mother she can’t go to her brothers and want to have a work day cleaning up his home and yard. She’s one of 8 and when he says work day she means as many of the family that she can get to help. I told her it’s an emotional thing / attachment and she needs to take baby steps with him. Just keep doing it a little at a time and you will get there. On another note your children will appreciate not having clutter to sort through. I lost my dad almost a year ago and my brother and I have tried to clean out dads garage but it hasn’t happened yet.
That is the hardest thing to do is clean up after someone has passed. I think it is good you didn’t do it right away, I always say don’t get rid of anything for 1 year. Then take 4 boxes, and a timer. Turn the timer on for 1 hour, fill the box with stuff you’d donate, one to keep, and one sell, and one toss. when the timers goes off you can stop, or if you feel motivated, turn the timer for one more hour. Do this day before trash day, so it will go out right away. Take the rest to the donation center, and put the stuff to sell on whatever media you want to use to sell. I know someone who had their friends just come and take whatever they wanted.
Hi I was the same way with all my treasures (lol) I now call clutter after watching all the episodes of hoarders,I now understand the emotional attachment. But like I started to think 🤔 OMG I can’t die and leave it up to my 5 kids to clean. So I started and I am about half way thru everything. And must add I did enjoy going thru box’s I haven’t opened in years! I am in the process of doing family pics and scrapbooks too. My oldest is 45 and youngest is 24 and they are all enjoying looking at all the things for albums/ scrapbooks that I saved over the years. It is very emotional but I am feeling a lot of relief knowing that I organized it all for them and what they do with it is up to them. Also had yard sale/ donation, what the kids didn’t want. You can do it, just do a little at a time and you will complete it. Good luck Deb
As a daughter who had to clear out my Mom’s condo I can tell you it was the hardest job I ever had to do. My Mom had kept every card, calendars for each year back 50 years and every bill she ever paid. Furniture was easy to clean out but I had to painstakingly go through each and every item and it took me weeks! I was worried something important was inside so I couldn’t just dump drawers and boxes out. I think your family will appreciate you doing what you can to get rid of unnecessary clutter 🙂 One day at a time.
I’m such a big fan of decluttering, but unfortunately my husband is much less of a fan!! My half of the office is usually pretty decluttered, now we just need to work on his half!!! Thanks for the tips!
Hi Sue! I hope the decluttering goes well! With patience and slow, positive steps, I’m sure you will both be happy with the results! Sometimes those of us who tend to collect clutter simply don’t see it, or we’re too overwhelmed to know what to keep and what to toss. We don’t always need someone to take care of it for us, but rather ask us the right questions to help us realize that we actually DON’T need this or that item. It can be a long process, but once that switch flips, we’re ready to get down to serious decluttering!
This is the way it is with me and my husband too! LOL
Great list! I love decluttering clothing but my husband wants to hang on to everything! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life
Hi Roseann! You may appreciate the reply I left above for Sue — it gives a bit of perspective from the clutter-collector side. Thank you so much for visiting and for the comment!
I have been known to pick an old item of hubbys’ and hide it for a while and if he doesn’t miss it or ask where it is,out it goes…..?
A helpful list, it feels so good when clutter is gone.
We will feature your list on the next Blogger’s Pit Stop.
Thank you, Kathleen! Much appreciated! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing what everyone shares at the Pit Stop this week!
I’m trying so hard to slowly clear out rubbish that I’ve hung onto for years. It’s a slow process but I am making progress. My goal is to clean out almost everything during the holidays!
Hi Josefina! Yay for you! Keep up the great decluttering work. A Slow Declutter will still get the job done, believe me! I would love to hear an update on how it’s going for you! If you would like extra support, please come join my private Facebook group ‘Your Decluttered Life‘ — all I ask is that you read and agree to the rules in the question box before I can approve you. It helps keep what’s shared there private and non-spammy.
This is a great place to start. I’ve already gone through a number of these, but not all of them, so this weekend I’m going to get busy! I found your post on Blogger’s Pit Stop and will share on social media. Thanks!
Hi Christie! Thank you so much for stopping by AND for sharing! 😀 How did you make out with your weekend decluttering?
This is a great list! One comment. When cleaning out, think of the many charitable organizations that will gladly take used, in good condition, items. Organizations like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and others are always appreciative. We have Lions Clubs here. They collect used, in good condition, eyeglasses for people who cannot afford new. Just a thought.
Hi Lisa — thank you for your comment! You’re absolutely correct! It’s a great idea to donate used items in good condition. I actually have an entire post of places to consider: Where to Donate Your Stuff After Decluttering — and the Lions Club is one of my favorites also. 🙂 I didn’t get into the donation aspect much in this post because when we first begin decluttering, often what we’re getting rid of are the ‘easier’ things that are damaged or otherwise not suitable for donation. But for anyone with ‘nice stuff’ that they’re ready to let go, yes — please consider donating!
You can also donate the travel toiletries. I personally make homeless care packs to keep in my car with travel sized toiletries, socks, gloves and hot hands (for winter), and small food items. So don’t toss them if they are usable.
I’m having trouble with what to do with glass, crystal, etc. that I’ve been given as my family downsized. I will be keeping what I want but some of it are items my mom/grandma thought were pretty or valuable (and aren’t). I have Italian pottery, Belleek, antiques and collections of things. There are cabinets full. My mom bought in excess and passed it along. I’m at a loss. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi Donna! I feel for you… it’s so difficult to let go of inherited and sentimental items. I like that you have decided to only keep what you want, and you realize most of what’s left may not have much monetary value. Please remember that just because these items ended up in your home, does not mean you are responsible for curating the collection forever. Your mother and grandmother probably would not have wanted that. Sometimes we know that in our head, but it still confuses our heart.
First, I would offer the items you don’t want to other family members… but ONLY if you believe they may truly want them and won’t simply take them out of guilt.
Second, to set your mind fully at ease, have anything of questionable value appraised. You could do this with a quick search online, or box up and cart the entire collection to a professional appraiser. If anything is valuable, sell it directly to a dealer.
Third, donate the rest.
You could do this one ‘collection’ at a time if it’s too difficult to let it all go at once. But set deadlines… perhaps one collection per week or month, with a goal to have it gone by the end of summer. Please let me know how this goes for you!
My siblings and I had to go through all of our parents’ possessions after they passed away. It took weeks. The main motivation of mine to constantly declutter is to ask myself if my grown children will want any given item in our house. If I have old photos of friends and acquaintances they have never met, tossing them now will save the kids time later. If something is special to me, I write its information on the bottom of it. Another thing I have done is to give heirlooms to our children or their spouses. Having their great great grandmother’s cocoa pitcher that is in perfect condition will mean a lot to them. The dime store china cup and saucer not so much.
I’m so glad you are labeling your stuff. My grandad passed away in January and my mom still hasn’t cleaned out the house. There is a list of items I would like to have but I don’t know the story behind everything. My mom knows what a lot is but I’m sure we will find plenty that no one knows anything about, other than it’s been around for a while. Fee plan to buy the house next summer so I’m hoping we can get it cleaned out sometime soon so we can make repairs and such before we move. We all have a hard time with sentimental items.
Another post said to donate the usable items, but don’t forget one place please: schools in the neighborhood, especially the self-contained Special Education Classrooms and Art rooms! Those teachers can make a million useful things from junk that has been thrown out! And one other thing— a whole lot of your list can be recycled or used in crafts. Nearly every city has a recycling center now.
Hi Penny — thank you for your comment!
You’re so right about donating to schools! I talk about this in my Where to Donate Your Stuff post. I worked at an elementary school for years and saw firsthand what amazing things teachers could do with almost anything that was donated. In fact, our art teacher used to ASK for ‘trash’ for her classes, and those students made really fabulous things!
I wish more people had access to recycling centers, but unfortunately not all of us do. 🙁 Even our roadside recycling service no longer accepts glass because it’s no longer a profitable commodity. So sad.
Check out ideas for using glass bottles for outdoor plants.and other cool yard irrigation and artsy sun catchers..and even Christmas crafts like painted jar snowman family that can be fitted with lights..
Thank you for a wonderful post. Our 31 yr old wall unit was literally on its last legs. It was made out of cheap materials & I had it “stuffed to the gills” with stuff. I finally emptied it out & got rid of it. During the process I sent 3 large boxes to goodwill as well, But I think if I’m honest with myself there is probably more that can go. I’m going to even get rid of wedding gifts we received 33 yrs ago & yep, you guessed it, they HAVE NEVER BEEN USED, not even once. The people that gave them have never even been to my home so for what reason am I holding on to it for? I gave away all my fine jewellery to my niece. The pieces were heavy Italian gold & I’d hardly worn it. Niece wears it all the time. I don’t have children so I need to get rid of a ton of stuff, they’ve already told their mother that they don’t want any of her stuff so I’ve got Buckley’s chance that they’d want mine.
Hi Rita! I absolutely LOVE that your niece enjoys wearing the jewelry! How wonderful that it’s being used and enjoyed now. And yes… those wedding gifts… isn’t it silly how we feel so guilty letting them go? Be strong… you can do this! Thanks for reading and for your comment! 🙂
I come from a family of people with “stuff.” Fortunately, most of us are pretty good at disguising it so it isn’t obvious to guests, but it’s a struggle. Any suggestions for people who are able to get rid of stuff, but can’t seem to organize the stuff they need to keep? My mother’s favorite solution is to put everything in a plastic storage tub to be “sorted later.” as you can imagine, later doesn’t come or turns into another new storage tub when guests are coming to stay!
Same here. I found a strategy that worked.
My first declutter was a small shopping bag. I filled it up and if I did not use it a year later, I would donate it. It worked. The next year I filled up a garbage bag. Donating the shopping bag felt so good, it took me half a year to donate the larger bag.
After I got the hang of donating, I started to be methodical about my decluttering. I picked a shelf I have no been in and donated most of it on the spot. A week later I went to another shelf. By the time I was done, I donated more then half my possessions and I felt great.
To this day I am still going through my things and donating them. My philosophy is, if I don’t have room on the shelf, it has to go. If I really want something, I will have to get rid of something I own to make room for it.
This process took me a few years, but I am happy now. Less is more.
Having so much clutter in your house can make you feel more stress. But there are times that it is really hard to start letting go of stuff. Thank you so much for sharing this list. This is going to be really helpful. 🙂
Can’t understand why people buy containers to fill up with stuff they put in their garages. They can’t park their cars because of the stuff they hold on to thinking I’ll use it later. Later never comes. This is just my opinion. I have empty cupboards. My kids will not have to go through the nightmare of cleaning out a bunch of STUFF they never wanted to begin with. I love cleaning out !!! It is a great feeling to donate and make my home simple, my life simple. If I need something I got rid of which I never do I’ll just go buy it.
Thank you for sharing! I will likely be moving in the near future and it hit me that I will absolutely dread having to move so much stuff that will probably never come out of the boxes. Plus, I’m beginning to realize that I’m getting claustrophobic in my own apartment when it seems twice as small with all this junk!
Don’t overlook animal shelters as a donation site. Many are glad to get used bed linens and towels. One of our neighbors owns a nonprofit shelter. She’s the only person I know to thank me for bed sheets with holes in them and actually mean it.
The best advice I ever got about decluttering was a simple question to ask yourself…… If you were moving tomorrow, would you pack it and take it with you!
That would not work for me. My husband was just saying that he is glad that I am in declutter mode because he was getting really tired of packing and hauling the stuff we have never or rarely ever used every time we moved. Me too!!
I started paring down about three years ago, pared a little more when I moved back in with the spouse after my apartment got flooded. I had to clean and organize HIS apartment when I moved back in. Then, a couple of months ago, I decided enough was enough. I got rid of about 30% of what was left. Now, I am working on the rest.
It has been a slow process, but it is working.
great to declutter all the stuff you don’t need. if I have cleaning products – I do not buy any until they have all gone – so no waste. unused face creams i use on my legs and feet until all gone. good clothes and household stuff to the charity shops – all closed at the moment though due to covid. I realise I could have had a better life if I had been a more discerning buyer of good things – i love the frugal sites and now hoping to save some money. my house is tidier and cleaner than it has been for years. save money once it is gone – you never get it back.
People in 2020…I wish I didn’t throw out all of those top sheets, they would have made great masks.
Actually, I love to use top sheets as the muslins for clothes making and other sewing projects. It’s the only reason I still buy sheet sets.
This is a great list. This will surely help especially when you’re just starting to declutter. It can be hard to choose what stuff you should let go at the beginning. This post is really helpful. Thank you for this! 🙂
Seeing your list of 64 things to declutter has me thinking that I can actually do this!!! Your comments are encouraging. I came from a family of keepers and I am a keeper of things. I am ready to let go and feel the peace and freedom I need. Most of my stuff is kept out of guilt, not because I love or appreciate it. I am going to begin decluttering today. Thank you for motivating me!
This website will be an encouragement and a good plan to de-clutter,
despite the fact that I have de-cluttered at least three times, seriously!
Once we hired a couple to come once a week, over a two year period to
do some remodeling/ up-dating, and de-cluttering after our children left home.
A few years later, a friend of mine needed to earn some money and I
hired her to help me de-clutter 3 hours once a week. I gave her $10
an hour plus $10 for gas. We did this for two years. She would bring
me stuff in a basket or box or bin and we would separate it . And
immediately she took it with her to the thrift store, or to the recycling
The third time my daughter and a friend organized the basement.
So…. I’ve been at this quite a long time. I still have some to do, but,
I have come a long way. Your list of 62 things will be a good help to
me. It was just what I was looking for. Will let you know how things go.
Thank you.
Wow!! That’s a great and exhaustive list. You have really covered it all 🙂
Thanks for sharing at our #HomeMattersParty
What do you do with bibles that were handed down?
Hi, Linda! That’s a really good question! I think this is one of those situations that is different for everyone. Do the bibles have family history recorded in them? Or are they something you’re holding onto because you think you ‘should?’ Are there any other family members who would treasure them?
I can’t really say ‘you should do this or that’ because of course YOU need to decide. But if you’re only keeping them out of a sense of obligation, then I would consider offering them to other family members, a genealogical or historical society, or the leaders at your current place of worship.
Decluttering is something I do at the change of every season. I am one of those people that does the major spring/fall cleaning for every season so that is also when I go through and declutter. I do love your lists! It will help to keep me on task. I am so grateful to of found you! Now I may be spending more time decluttering and have nothing left lol ….. Thank you honestly 🤗
I needed this list so badly! Thank you for sharing!!
Such a great collection of ideas! I am so happy to feature your post at this week’s Tuesday Turn About Link Party. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂