47 Note To Self Quotes That Will Focus Your Perspective On Life

When it comes to getting through the day, sometimes each moment can feel like a juggling act. One way to keep yourself on track is to start incorporating note to self quotes and motivational quotes into your day.

Between work, family, and social obligations, it’s easy to let our own needs and goals fall by the wayside, especially on bad days. But that doesn’t mean we should give up on ourselves!

Here are some of my favorite life notes to help propel you toward good days. These little snippets can provide a boost of motivation or inspiration when you need them most in your own life.

Text note to self quotes to inspire every day on white background over image of red-haired woman holding mug and gazing away from camera toward window.

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What Is A Note To Self?

An encouraging note to self is a motivational message that you either write to yourself or read as a reminder of something important. It can be anything from a motivational quote to a gentle reminder about the good things in your life, to focus on yourself, or to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Usually, these notes to ourselves are like lightbulbs that help illuminate a wise lesson or empowering statement we currently need in our lives.

Why do we need these reminders?

Taking time each day to center and ground yourself and reflect on what’s important to you can do wonders for your mental health and the way you approach everything in your life. In our fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to take a step back and remind yourself of your goals and values.

Imagine the possibilities if you took a few moments each day to connect with yourself and focus on self worth quotes or sayings that you really need.

Then, you could use the motivation from that saying throughout the day to take intentional action in alignment with your values.

With that goal in mind, these notes to self would be a great place to start…

Note To Self Quotes And Sayings

We all have times in our lives when we feel like giving up, and these sayings remind us that it’s worth fighting for what we want, especially when it’s time to step out of our comfort zone.

They also remind us that we’re not alone — that other people have gone through tough times and come out the other side.

“A negative attitude will never lead to a good life.”

“You are capable of amazing things.”

“You don’t need anyone else’s approval.”

“You owe yourself the love you give so easily to others.”

Be the CEO motivational note in black text on pink background.

“Be the CEO your parents always wanted you to marry.”

“Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.”

“I know you’re doing the best you can. I believe in you. Keep going.”

“Don’t worry about the people who aren’t happy for you. They probably aren’t happy for themselves either.”

“Begin… even if you have no idea if it will work.”

“Stop worrying about things you cannot control.”

Talk about your blessings inspirational note to self in black text on pink background.

“Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems.”

Note To Self Motivational Quotes

You are not born with all of the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in life. You have to learn them through experience, which often means making mistakes and getting back up again.

The good news is that each mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. So don’t be afraid to fail. Instead, use your setbacks as motivation to do the hard work of becoming the best version of yourself.

To help you on your journey, I’ve compiled a list of some of the best note to self quotes from my website articles. These quotes epitomize lessons I have learned and inspire me to keep pushing toward intentional living and amazing goals. I hope they’ll do the same for you.

So read on, find your favorite quote, and start building your best life today.

“Ask the hard questions, and allow yourself to find the answers.”
— Julie Hage

Remember what you love to do, and what you want to do better.”
— Julie Hage

“Giving yourself permission to pursue a creative outlet is crucial to your overall health and self-esteem.”
— Julie Hage

Julie Hage anyone can live an intentional life positive note to self in black text on turquoise and white background.

“ANYONE can live an intentional life — even if you’re an overwhelmed overthinker. Yes, it takes some work and some changes in thinking, but it IS possible to be more mindful, set powerful goals, and feel more joy in every day.”– Julie Hage

“The reality is that you’re NEVER going to be as productive as you THINK you should be or it SEEMS like everyone else is.
What you need to realize is — that’s okay!”
— Julie Hage

“Blast through your wall of self-doubt and let your passion ignite you!”
— Julie Hage

“You need to become extremely deliberate about what you choose to take on, and you have to change the things that aren’t adding true value to your life.”
— Julie Hage

“Passion trumps procrastination.”
— Julie Hage

“Repetition of positivity rewires your brain to concentrate on positive action instead of negativity and inaction. Think positive thoughts, speak positive words, take positive action.”
— Julie Hage

Red-haired woman holding mug and gazing away from camera toward window.

“The clearer you are with your message, and the stronger you hold to your decision, the sooner others will learn to cope.”
— Julie Hage

“We all have reasons for being lazy. Even though they might be totally legit, stuff still HAS to get done. We know this, and now it’s time to do. the. things.
— Julie Hage

“So much of our everyday lives are filled with the clutter of the non-essential. But if we can whittle those things down, then we can get a clearer picture of what really matters to us and what we want to do or be.”
— Julie Hage

“Learning to act without always knowing the outcome is a gift to yourself and your loved ones.”
— Julie Hage

“I will write. I will love my family. I will work to create the life that will make me happy.”
— Julie Hage

“Have faith that everything will turn out for the best. The funny thing is, it nearly always does when you go into a situation with a positive mindset.”
— Julie Hage

Julie Hage messages about clutter in black text on turquoise and white background.

“You are not eternally responsible for items you’ve inherited from others. Let them go.

You’re not required to save the planet by recycling every bit of fabric or broken toys or anything like that. Let it go.

You don’t have to take on the job of trying to list and sell all the things YOU think might have value. Let them go.

You don’t have to ‘use up’ items you purchased years ago that you never really liked. Let them go.

All you have to worry about is clearing a little bit of space… and then a little more… and then a little more.”
— Julie Hage

“Stop comparing yourself to others and, instead, revel in your uniqueness.”
— Julie Hage

“When you DO things — even if they’re not perfect — you increase your confidence level exponentially… and that leads to amazing things!”
— Julie Hage

“Failures are like opportunities that you must learn from to improve.”
— Julie Hage

“If you’re completely out of sorts and truly not getting ANYTHING done, then for a while, you may have to strip your routine right down to the basics. 

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! It simply means you’re giving yourself permission to take things off your plate and concentrate on taking care of basic needs for yourself and your family.”
— Julie Hage

Short Note To Self Quotes

You don’t always need a long, heartfelt note to yourself in order for it to be effective. Sometimes, all you need is a short, sweet reminder of what’s important to you.

That’s where short note to self quotes come in. By keeping things concise, you can more easily remember what you want to focus on and stay motivated to achieve your goal.

Plus, there’s something incredibly powerful about reading just a few words that speak directly to you and your situation. You might just find the perfect dose of inspiration to help you get back on track or find inner peace.

“I choose to be confident in my decisions.”

“Every firework begins with a spark.”

“Thankfulness is a choice.”

YOU CAN empowering note to self in black text on mottled yellow background.

“YOU CAN. End of story.”

“Be patient… everything is coming together.”

“Purpose fuels passion.”

“You are unstoppable.”

“It’s okay to not have it all figured out.”

“I’m doing this for me.”

“Stop doubting yourself.”

“Difficult does not mean impossible.”

“You can rise up from anything.”

Embrace your own pace encouraging note to self in black text on mottled yellow background.

“Embrace your own pace.”

“You can do hard things.”

“Stop thinking and start doing.”

“I’m going to make you so proud.”

Ways To Use These Quotes Every Day

There are a few different ways that you can get note to self quotes motivation every day. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Start your day with a positive affirmation.

Write down a note to self quote that inspires you or empowers you, and read it aloud to yourself as you start your day. This can help to set the tone for the rest of your day.

  • Journal about your thoughts and feelings.

Write down what you’re thinking and feeling, then follow it up with a note to self quote that reflects your current state of mind. Or, use your favorite inspirational quotes from this post as daily journal prompts.

  • Create your own ‘notes to self’ notebook or card deck.

Another good idea is to write down all of your favorite quotes in a notebook or on index cards and carry them around with you. That way, you can pull them out and read them whenever you need a little motivation or inspiration.

You can also get a ready-made Wise Woman affirmation card deck or Mental Health affirmation card deck. These each have different statements, but they are a beautiful way to carry inspiration with you everywhere.

  • Hang them up around your house or office.

You could post them on your fridge, mirror, or any other place where you’ll see them often. You can even set them as your phone’s wallpaper or screensaver.

I’ve found some really great note to self items available on Etsy!

More Daily Motivation

24 Intentional Living Quotes to Inspire Your Best Life

How to Use a Dreams and Goals Worksheet to Begin Goal Setting {Free Printable}

The Best Slow Quotes to Help You Feel More Relaxed About Life

38 Calming Journal Prompts For Difficult Days 

Final Thoughts…

By putting these note to self quotes and sayings to use in your everyday life, you can change your outlook for the better. The inspiration and motivation can help you focus on the positive, important things and be grateful for what you have.

In addition, the deeper statements can help you find the resolve to start making necessary changes in order to simplify, live intentionally, and reach your goals.

So go ahead… use these notes, write your own, and build your best life!

You’ve got this!

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