29 Best Hello April Quotes And Sayings To Welcome The Month

Spring has finally arrived, and hello April quotes are the perfect way to celebrate this new season.

There is something energizing about April that makes you think of possibilities: longer days, green leaves popping out on trees, flowers blooming — a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. What better way to welcome spring than by incorporating some new month messages for April into your daily life?

Below you’ll find 29 of the best hello April sayings and quotes to help inspire you during this month. These are a great addition to my collection of spring motivational quotes, which you may also enjoy.

May these hello April quotes help you to celebrate all that this new season has to offer!

Text best quotes and saying to welcome April on white background over image of closed pink tulips lying on white table.

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Welcoming the Month of April

What is so special about April?

Quite a lot, actually! For starters, it’s the month that ushers in ‘real’ springtime. The days get longer and warmer, the trees start to blossom, and wildlife come out of hibernation.

It’s also a time for new beginnings, as many people use April as an opportunity to renew their commitments to themselves and make positive changes in their lives.

Several religions celebrate some form of rebirth or renewal in April, which makes the month extra special for many people.

April is Autism Awareness Month and Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Earth Day and Arbor Day also happen in April, so there’s plenty to keep us occupied during the month and remind us to be more intentional about caring for the people we love and the planet.

How to use April new month messages and sayings

Here are some ways you can use welcome to April quotes and new month messages  for April to help you celebrate the month:

  • Write hello April messages on your social media pages to wish your friends and followers a happy month.
  • Add a hello April quote to your email signature.
  • Put together an April photo collage with some quotes from this post.
  • Print out a few sayings about April and post them around your house as motivation to celebrate the month.
  • Use April quotes as journal prompts.
  • Create an April Pinterest board.
  • Frame a hello April quote or grab this April showers wood sign and put it on your desk at work.
  • Send a hello April greeting card to family and friends using your favorite messages from this post.

No matter how you choose to celebrate April, these quotes and messages are a great way to kick off the month and get inspired.

Short Hello April Quotes and Sayings

“Goodbye March, Hello April”

“Hello April. Please don’t fool me.”

Hello April quote in black text on faded background image of spring flowering trees.

“Hello April. Be a month of rebirth, regrowth, and renewal.”

“Hello April. Please be awesome!”

“April… Chapter 4 of 12”

“Hello April. Surprise me!”

Keep calm and welcome April message in white text on dark purple background.

“Keep calm and welcome April”

“Hello April. Be a month of joy and renewal.”

“Hello April. We’re ready for you!”

Positive New Month Messages for April

“Welcome April. Wishing you a wonderful month filled with love and happiness.”

Happy new month April quote in black handwriting text on faded image of pink tulips.

“Hello April… new month, new beginning, new mindset, new focus, new start, new intentions, new results.”

“Hello April. May it be a great month and bring smiles, joy, good health, and happiness to all my friends, family, and loved ones.”

“Welcome April. New month, new chapter, new page, and new wishes. May the month give you courage, strength, confidence, patience, self-love, and inner peace. May every day in April fill your days with hope, love, sunshine, and energy.”

April wishes saying in black text on mottled lavender background.

“April brings the promise of new beginnings. Wishing you infinite joy and abundance.”

“Welcome April. Come with endless opportunities that let us shine brightly.”

April Showers Quotes

“Hello April. Bring on the showers.”

“Sweet April showers do bring May flowers.”
— Thomas Tusser, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry, 1557

Byron Caldwell Smith April showers quote on faded image of woman holding umbrella.

“Our spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April suns and shadow of April showers.”
— Byron Caldwell Smith

“Hello April… Sometimes life’s showers help us to blossom.”

“I have seen the Lady April bringing
the daffodils,
Bringing the springing grass and the
soft warm April rain.”
— John Masefield

Poetic and Literary April Quotes

“Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever.”
— Charles Lamb

April spirit of youth Shakespeare quote in black text on mottled yellow and pink background.

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
— William Shakespeare, Sonnet XCVIII

“No Winter lasts forever, no Spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep.”
— Hal Borland

“Spring is made of solid, fourteen-karat gratitude, the reward for the long wait. Every religious tradition from the northern hemisphere honors some form of April hallelujah, for this is the season of exquisite redemption, a slam-bang return to joy after a season of cold second thoughts.”
— Barbara Kingsolver, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

“A gush of bird song, a patter of dew
A cloud and a rainbow’s warning;
Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue
An April day in the morning!”
— Harriet Prescott Spofford

“An altered look about the hills;
A Tyrian light the village fills;
A wider sunrise in the dawn;
A deeper twilight on the lawn;
A print of a vermilion foot;
A purple finger on the slope;
A flippant fly upon the pane;
A spider at his trade again;
An added strut in chanticleer;
A flower expected everywhere …”
— Emily Dickinson, Nature: April

Charles Roberts April in the skies quote in black text on white and turquoise background.

“Winter’s done, and April’s in the skies,
Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!”
— Charles G. D. Roberts, ‘An April Adoration’ 1896

“I smile, of course,
And go on drinking tea,
Yet with these April sunsets, that somehow recall
My buried life, and Paris in the Spring,
I feel immeasurably at peace, and find the world
To be wonderful and youthful, after all.”
— Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady

“Oh, the lovely fickleness of an April day!”
— W. H. Gibson

More Inspiration To Welcome April

Motivational Quotes of the Month for April

Living An Intentional Life: 7 Powerful Steps to Make It Happen

April Showers Natural Soy Wax Candle

20″ Eucalyptus Door Wreath

Autism Mama T-shirt

20 Spring Journal Prompts for Reflection and Seasonal Goal-Setting

Concluding Thoughts…

Whatever type of April quote resonates with you, they all have one thing in common: they remind us of the possibilities that April brings. Embrace these quotes and welcome each day of the month with open arms!

What are some ways that you like to welcome April?

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