Happy last day of winter! Whether you love winter or you’re just trying to survive until your favorite season comes around again, these last day of winter quotes will help you appreciate and celebrate the change of seasons as we move from winter to spring.
Not ready for the end of winter quite yet? Here are another 29 winter quotes to help you welcome the season and keep cozy during the long and snowy days.

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There are seasons in nature for a reason. Even though we may not think of winter as having a purpose, every living thing needs a quiet time to rest and renew its inner energy.
For some people, the brisk winter days are energizing, spent in outdoor pursuits.
The rest of us quietly survive the dark days, making our way from one beacon of light to the next, awaiting the return of the sun and light and joy.
Where I live, the end of winter is celebrated… almost as if you have survived an epic battle. Every year it’s the same. And it doesn’t really matter whether we had an ‘easy’ winter or a ‘brutal’ winter. The feelings are always there — relief, joy, expectation.
These quotes about the end of winter embody those feelings. A little poetry, a little sadness, some yearning… and finally, hope and sunshine.
Sometimes I like to read these on snowy and frigid days… just to remember that spring really is on the way. I close my eyes, feel the heat of the woodstove, and pretend I can feel the warm sun on my face.
Enjoy these goodbye winter quotes. Use them as journal prompts if you wish. Or gather inspiration to take a step back and take advantage of the winter season to slow down and renew your inner strength before spring comes rolling in.
Interested in starting a spring journal? Grab my 90-day printable Spring Journal and get started today!
Quotes Describing the Last Day of Winter
“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!”
― Sitting Bull
“…I hear the sounds of melting snow outside my window every night and with the first faint scent of spring, I remember life exists…”
― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain
“Spring is not yet here, but the song of a solitary, pioneering blackbird when I wake, the smell of something warm and floral on the air in fleeting moments, these signs give me hope.”
― Tracy Rees, Amy Snow

“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”
― Francis of Assisi
“Winter is already a lost shape, forgotten
in the ground. Instead, here is Spring
with all the grace of a woman
smoothing out her apron.”
― Cecilia Llompart, The Wingless
“And all about, the softening air
Of new-born sweetness tells,
And the ungathered Mayflowers wear
The tint of ocean shells.
The old, assuring miracle:
is fresh as heretofore:
And earth takes up its parable of life from death once more.”
― John Greenleaf Whittier
“Following dark winter’s strife, a warm air rises, teemed with life. Birth, rebirth, as the waiting die. Old love, new love sprouts wings to fly.”
― Phar West Nagle
“Slush is frozen over. People say that winter lasts forever, but it’s because they obsess over the thermometer. North in the mountains, the maple syrup is trickling. Brave geese punch through the thin ice left on the lake. Underground, pale seeds roll over in their sleep. Starting to get restless. Starting to dream green.”
― Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak
“Your time has come, now hasten little snowflakes. To vanish quite away; The spring-tide hours are sounding gentle warnings, forbidding you to stay.”
― M.E. Hathaway
“And the Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.”
― Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Complete Poems
“It’s that magnificent interlude in New York between winter and spring, when you feel the warmth stirring, and you remember that the dreadful naked trees will inevitably sprout tiny green buds, soon. Everyone rushes into the parks, the streets–and you even forget that, very soon , summer will come scorchingly, dropping from the sky like a blanket of steam…”
― John Rechy, City of Night
“When there is nothing left to learn from the winter, move on to the spring!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan
“After the sorts of winters we have had to endure recently, the spring does seem miraculous, because it has become gradually harder and harder to believe that it is actually going to happen. Every February since 1940 I have found myself thinking that this time winter is going to be permanent. But Persephone, like the toads, always rises from the dead at about the same moment. Suddenly, towards the end of March, the miracle happens and the decaying slum in which I live is transfigured.”
― George Orwell, Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
Quotes About Yearning for Spring

“You think winter will never end, and then, when you don’t expect it, when you have almost forgotten it, warmth comes and a different light.”
― Wendell Berry, Hannah Coulter
“In the Midwest… winter is an exercise in waiting — for relief, for a bird to sing, for the first purple crocus to push up through the snow.”
― Michelle Obama, Becoming
“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”
― Robert H. Schuller
“The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!”
― Jen Selinsky
“Spring is the promise of a solution to a problem (the problem being winter…) I believe we all kind of secretly expect that on March 21 of each year the cold clouds will part like silver drapes, unveiling a Renaissance painting interpretation of our cities. It’s not what we were promised, nor what we’ve even probably experienced, and yet we feel entitled to it. It is embarrassingly infuriating when we are forced to continue slogging through with no expiration date.”
― Mari Andrew, Am I There Yet? The Loop-de-Loop, Zigzagging Journey to Adulthood
“Over the winter glaciers, I see the summer glow. And through the wind-piled snowdrift, the warm rosebuds below.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
“She told us about the goddess called Persephone, who was forced to spend half a year in the darkness deep underground. Winter happened when she was trapped inside the earth. The days shrank, they became cold and short and dark. Living things hid themselves away. Spring came when she was released and made her slow way up to the world again. The world became brighter and bolder in order to welcome her back. It began to be filled with warmth and light. The animals dared to wake, they dared to have their young. Plants dared to send out buds and shoots. Life dared to come back.”
― David Almond, Skellig
“It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
― Mark Twain
“I used to try to decide which was the worst month of the year. In the winter I would choose February. I had it figured out that the reason God made February short a few days was because he knew that by the time people came to the end of it they would die if they had to stand one more blasted day.”
― Katherine Paterson, Jacob Have I Loved
Quotes About Winter vs. Spring
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”
― Anne Bradstreet, The Works of Anne Bradstreet

“In winter, I plot and plan. In spring, I move.”
― Henry Rollins
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
― Hal Borland
“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
― Yoko Ono
“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”
― George Santayana
“Spring is the fountain of love for thirsty winter”
― Munia Khan
“To wish for the happiest days is to wish for a season of sorrow; for it is only after prolonged, wintry darkness that the summer sun appears to shine at its brightest.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
Inspirational Quotes About the End of Winter

“Every ending will meet its own end, for every ending is destined to be swallowed up by a beginning.”
― Craig D Lounsbrough
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo
“Everything holds its breath except spring. She bursts through as strong as ever.”
― B.M. Brower
“Let it rain on some days,
Let yourself shiver on some cold nights,
So when it’s Spring you’ll know why it was all worth going through.”
― Sanhita Baruah
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”
― Aristotle
“No matter how cold your proverbial winter, you can plant seeds of change in your life by changing your thoughts and actions.”
― Andra Brynnoeglein
Using Late Winter Quotes as Journal Prompts
Quotes are amazing snippets of thoughts. You can memorize and recite them at specific times, you can read them over and over until they become familiar friends helping you through each day, and you can also use them as journal prompts.
How can you use quotes as journal prompts?
It’s easy! Words always elicit some type of response from our minds. It may be a rambling of thoughts that don’t seem logical at all… or it may be a perfectly organized counter-argument. It may be purely emotional. It may be the emergence of a long-forgotten memory.
Whatever your response, you can — and should — journal about your thoughts and feelings. Doing this will help you create a journaling habit that will serve you well over the years.
Or, if you’re already in the habit, quotes will give you another source of writing prompts. Finding journal prompts does become sort of an addiction… one of the best kinds, of course. 😉
However you choose to use these last day of winter quotes, I hope they will put you in the best possible frame of mind to enjoy the end of winter and the transition to spring.
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Amazing collection of winter quotes.
I would love to share your quotes.
This is beautiful, “Following dark winter’s strife, a warm air rises, teemed with life. Birth, rebirth, as the waiting die. Old love, new love sprouts wings to fly.”
Shruti Singh