Struggling With Perfectionism - |I started some posts, but couldn't finish any of them. I knew I wouldn't have good enough photos. My posts wouldn't be original enough or narrowly focused enough or helpful enough or long enough. I had to do three things: Stop. Breathe. Remember what I love to do, and what I want to do better.

Struggling With Perfectionism

I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles with perfectionism. It can stop you from finishing so many things and reaching your goals, and it can sneak up on you even when you think you know what to watch out for. In this post, I’m going to share my recent struggles and the plan

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Main title image for blog post How to Survive Losing Your Job.

How to Survive Losing Your Job

Are you currently or have you ever been out of work for an extended period of time? Or maybe your partner has? Let’s talk about how to survive unemployment so you can continue striving toward an intentional life. It’s tough. Tough to keep your spirits up. Tough to survive financially. Tough to not let it

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