IN THIS POST: Here are 30 of my favorite declutter quotes in one place! When you need motivation beyond the usual declutter tips, sometimes it helps to read quotes about clearing things out.
Choose your favorite, write it down where you will see it often, and let it inspire you to declutter with a vengeance!

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Quotes About Decluttering
Most of these quotes are from amazing books about decluttering. If you need even more motivation than what you see here, I’ve linked to some of the books for your convenience.
But overall, remember that tackling clutter is about action, not about reading countless words.
Find your spark of inspiration… then go declutter the things! The sooner you begin, the faster you will build decluttering motivation and momentum.
“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.”
― Joshua Becker
“Clutter is caused by a failure to return things to where they belong. Therefore, storage should reduce the effort needed to put things away, not the effort needed to get them out.”
― Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
“If you have clutter, you’re richer than you think!”
― Donna Smallin
“Owning less is better than organizing more.”
― Joshua Becker, Clutterfree with Kids
“You don’t have to face every skeleton in your closet before you can make some room in there!”
― Carmen Klassen, Love Your Clutter Away
“Out of calmness comes clarity.”
― Trevor Carss
“If you’re not using the stuff in your home, get rid of it. You’re not going to start using it more by shoving it in a closet somewhere.”
― Joshua Becker
“In the never-ending battle between order and chaos, clutter sides with chaos every time. Anything that you possess that does not add to your life or your happiness eventually becomes a burden.”
― John Robbins, The New Good Life: Living Better Than Ever in an Age of Less

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions”
― Barbara Hemphill
“Time spent minimizing possessions is never wasted.”
― Joshua Becker
“Every minute you spend looking through clutter, wondering where you put this or that, being unable to focus because you’re not organized costs you: time you could have spent with family or friends, time you could have been productive around the house, time you could have been making money.”
― Jean Chatzky
“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”
― Marie Kondo
“Some things cost way more when we keep them.”
― Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon – The Artist’s Guide to Liberation From Procrastination
“Today is the day you rid yourself of anything that distracts from your best life.”
― Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home
“Your home is living space, not storage space.”
― Francine Jay
“What I know for sure is that when you declutter – whether it’s on your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”
― Peter Walsh, Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight: The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down
“If someone doesn’t live with you, neither should their stuff.”
― Monika Kristofferson
“Putting things away creates the illusion that the clutter problem has been solved. But sooner or later, all the storage units are full, and the room once again overflows with things.”
― Marie Kondo
“It’s easier to get rid of things when you’re giving them to someone who can use them, but don’t let this kind intention become a source of clutter itself. I have a friend who has multiple piles all over her house, each lovingly destined for a particular recipient.”
― Gretchen Rubin
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
― Albert Einstein
“I often ask myself, Will anyone I know be happier if I save this?”
― Margareta Magnusson, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning

“But first, declutter.”
― Julie Hage
Minimalist Quotes
Even if you don’t aspire to extreme minimalism, you can still use the concept in your own life. The realization that we can appreciate the things we love so much more when we don’t have SO MUCH to care for is truly life-changing.
“Minimizing can be exhilarating. If you continue decluttering, you just might find a zest for life that you didn’t know existed under all that stuff!”
― Lisa J. Shultz, Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.
“Picture your dream home. I bet it’s not filled with clutter.”
― Joshua Becker
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.”
― Nathan W. Morris
“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.”
― Jackie French Koller
“Digital minimalism definitively does not reject the innovations of the internet age, but instead rejects the way so many people currently engage with these tools.”
― Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
“It’s better to have extra time on your hands and extra money in your pocket than extra stuff in your closet.”
― Joshua Becker
“Minimalism is the constant art of editing your life.”
― Danny Dover, The Minimalist Mindset
“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
— William Morris
More Inspirational Quotes and Decluttering Motivation
9 Awesome Ways Your Life Will Become Simpler When You Declutter — Filling the Jars
10 Happy October Quotes to Inspire You — Filling the Jars
What Motivates You to Take Action? — Tony Robbins
Stop Being a Victim of Clutter — Filling the Jars
The Must Have Decluttering Resource
Thoughts on Decluttering Motivation
Living in an uncluttered space allows you to build your best life. Unfettered by mountains of stuff to tend, you are free to pursue deeper relationships and boundless dreams.
Or maybe you’ll just spend less time cleaning. Hey, if that’s your dream, I’m totally down with it! 🙂
You’ve got this!
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Love the quotes on de-cluttering. Thanks so much.
I really appreciated this post.
I started decluttering two years ago… in a house we’d lived in for almost 40 years. Now, here at the 40 year mark, we’ve bought a condo; and the process has accelerated! Thanks for the inspiration (and that 62 item list!).
Thank you so much for this post. When I think about saving something, these quotes definitely come to mind.
Enjoyed reading these quotes. Some made me laugh and most of them fit me to a T.
Thank you for the list of 62 things to declutter!
I started right away today to get rid of a box full of old bank statements and paperwork regarding my retirement 20 years ago!!
Question: How do I get rid of MANY little ornaments and gifts of sentimental value – things I received from children during 30+ years of teaching??
Amanda, what a great start! For sentimental decluttering, this post may help: How to Give Yourself Grace and Space When Decluttering Sentimental Items