Shortly after I saw the “My 500 Words” challenge, I read a post from Money Saving Mom Crystal Paine about her challenge to get up earlier every day in order to do something important for yourself and improve your morning routine. The “get up early” challenge is no longer active, but you can pick up the book that inspired it here: The 5 A.M. Miracle: Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast
I’ve been soaking up Jeff’s encouraging words, and they have reignited my desire to write. Sure, I’ve learned to write short articles for content mills. I can put together a decently-organized newsletter. I am learning to blog. I have always LIKED to write.
But this is different. I had forgotten how it feels to put words to paper (or the computer screen) for the pure joy of the action. It’s A-MA-ZING.
Looking back, I absolutely believe doing a writing challenge during the early morning hours inspired some of my most creative work. When I was writing, little did I know some of those words would end up in several blog posts and the six books I’ve published since then.