Got Too Much Stuff?  Here’s Your Step-by-Step Declutter Plan of Action

So, when I say Slow Decluttering WORKS, I’m speaking from experience. If you’re overwhelmed by the clutter you see every day, keep reading… I’m going to tell you how to get the same results.

Choose your first area.

I usually recommend the bedroom, but it can be any space that really bothers you or makes life more difficult because you have to deal with or look at the clutter every single day. I began with an overloaded wire shelf that had been collecting too much stuff for YEARS.

Start today.

Make the time. Build the momentum.


to decluttering 10 items or 10 minutes every day. I decluttered for about 10 minutes a day and got rid of 1000 items in 80 days. Totally possible!

Make use of trash bags.

Black bags are best. Some things are too icky to pass along and aren’t suitable for recycling. You’re reclaiming your home and your mind here, not saving the world. (You have to save yourself first.)

Set up a donations box.

If you have space in your home, that works. Or put a box in the trunk of your car. Just make sure other family members don’t start going through the box and “reclaiming” things you’re trying to get rid of! This also means you should deliver your donations as often as possible to make sure they’re GONE. I dropped stuff off about every three weeks.