How to Change Your Daily Routine to Increase Productivity

The one constant in life is ‘change,’ right? As we work to improve our lives, we will likely find that we have habits or routines that hold us back from our goals. Here’s how to change your daily routine to increase your productivity so you can make the most of your goal-setting for more intentional living!

1. Get Real Envision your perfectly productive daily routine — but be realistic. Your ‘perfect day’ must account for your current circumstances and capacity.

2. Read Books About Forming Good Habits Reading books written by someone who has gone before you and learned how to do exactly what you’re wanting to do is inspiring, motivating, and encouraging. If you find it easier to listen to the audiobook version, download it and listen to it while you do other activities.

3. Take Small Steps I think most people DON’T do well with major changes or going ‘cold turkey.’ If you do better with that, good for you! However, if too much change at once completely throws you off, it’s okay to make small changes over time.

4. Schedule in Self-Care It might sound like an oxymoron, but in order to be more productive, you actually need to take better care of yourself. Do you find a soaking bath relaxing and rejuvenating? Schedule it into your day (or week)!

6. Reduce Your Screen Time We tend to spend a LOT of time on screens these days, and some of it even feels productive. But after hours on a screen, your brain starts turning to mush. Unfortunately, depending on your job, you may not have the luxury of simply turning off the screen.