How To Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes: 9 Tips For Success

My decluttering tips will help get you motivated while today’s tips will help you stop being a clothes hoarder.

These reasons will vary greatly from person to person, but one thing doesn’t change: knowing your ‘why’ will help motivate you to get started and keep you moving forward if you feel like quitting before the job is done.

Figure Out Your ‘Why’

Once you’ve decluttered — and depending on your ‘why — you may choose to add a few thoughtful items to your wardrobe later. But worry about that later.

Don’t Keep Buying New Clothes

One of the easiest things you can do to start paring down your wardrobe is to pull out any ripped, torn, see-through, stained, very worn, or otherwise destroyed items. This can give you a quick win and encourage you to keep going!

Get Rid Of Damaged items First

Instead of buying the latest fast fashion item and only wearing it for a month, carefully curate your wardrobe with items that are classic staples you’ll actually wear.

Toss The Trends

Try on every single clothing item that you think you might want to keep. How does it feel? Does it tug here, pull there, or otherwise feel uncomfortable?

Try It On

So now that you know how to be ruthless when decluttering clothes, are you ready to get started? You can always think you need to prepare more or get motivated, and that in itself can be a trap that keeps you from moving forward. Use these tips and plan some time and just go for it.