How To Write A Daily Journal Even If You’re A Total Beginner

For adults, learning how to write a daily journal presents a huge opportunity… and maybe lots of questions about how it all works. First of all, it’s not as difficult as you may fear, especially with the tips from this article and some handy creative journaling exercises.

Find A Comfortable Place To Write

Whether that’s at your desk, in bed, or away from your house — find somewhere you’re not obligated to be anywhere else and can take the time to sit down and concentrate for a while each day.

Journaling Sessions

This will help make it a routine that becomes second nature and something we don’t have to think about doing. It becomes just part of our daily lives which promotes mindfulness (which is great for reducing stress).

Give Yourself An Idea Of What The Journal Is Going To Be About

Whether it’s for just the next day or for several months, think about why you want to start writing. Let that guide your thoughts as they come up and you journal throughout the days ahead.

Find A Journal That Doesn’t Intimidate You

Of course you want this journaling experience to feel special, but you don’t want the fear of ‘messing up’ a new journal to stop you from doing this. Try one of these best journals for writing.

What To Write In A Daily Journal

I recommend that you write about anything and everything. That might sound a little daunting at first, but the point of journaling is to be completely honest with yourself. That means all your thoughts and feelings are fair game. From ‘How do I feel about work?’ to ‘What happened in this dream last night?’

Scribble out words. Write in cursive some days and print on others. Grab a half-used notebook leftover from your kid’s previous school year to start if that’s all you have. Practice, adapt… and RELAX!