Feeling Sad After Decluttering?

It’s a Real Thing… and Here’s How to Deal With It

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Despite the fact that most people feel a refreshing lightness after decluttering, it is possible to feel regret or something akin to ‘the blues’ afterward. If you’re feeling sad after decluttering, rest assured that your feelings are valid. Let’s talk about some ways to deal with them.

Why Are You Feeling Sad After Decluttering?

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Decluttering your home can make you feel more in control of your environment, but it can also leave you feeling sad. Sometimes, it’s simply the result of change — which is always a bit of a rollercoaster.

Why We Become So Attached in the First Place

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We often become attached to things because they remind us of something from our past. For example, a particular pair of jeans reminds you so much of an enjoyable time in your life that it’s hard for you to let them go.

Can Decluttering Cause Depression?

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The decluttering process shouldn’t cause depression. On the contrary, most experts agree that decluttering should help people to feel LESS stressed and anxious.

How To Feel Better After Decluttering

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In order to feel better after decluttering, it may be helpful to remind yourself of your goals. Why did you decide to get rid of this item? What does having less stuff allow you to do or have more time for that you value?

Coping Strategies For Feeling Sad After Decluttering

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If you are feeling sad after a decluttering session, you can try coping mechanisms to help improve the challenges you are facing:

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It’s important to understand that the emotional response you have after decluttering is normal. You’re not alone in feeling an initial sadness when your belongings are organized and less cluttered. But with some time and effort on your part, you can start to enjoy the benefits of a well-organized space.