Hi, my name is Julie. Welcome to Filling the Jars!

This is where I inspire you — the overwhelmed overthinker — to declutter, to live intentionally, and to Build Your Best Life. Learn to simplify, organize, get things DONE, and create opportunities for a better life and income.

How can I help you Build Your Best Life? If you want to improve the way your home functions, better your finances through budgeting and/or increased income, and create a simpler life where you can have more meaningful relationships with your family and follow your dreams, then let’s make it happen!

woman with short blond hair wearing jeans and red sweater sitting in wicker chair on porch against greenery and tan siding background

A little about me:

I’m a woman in ‘midlife’ with a hard-working husband and two young adult sons, one ‘grown and flown’ and one still at home.

No girl drama in this house! Even the cat and the dog are males!

I’ve worked at a few different jobs in my life, including being a stay-at-home-mom for nearly a decade. More recently, I worked full-time outside the home for several years as an elementary school secretary.

After plenty of hard work to make my dreams a reality, I fully appreciate now working from home as a full-time blogger and author.

With that sort of history, you could say I know a few things about multi-tasking. But my passion is to SIMPLIFY and remove the overwhelm to allow for intentional focus and a peaceful home.

I am most definitely an overwhelmed overthinker, so finding solutions to all the things that go along with that are essential to building a great life!

As I work through improving areas of my life such as decluttering and changing my career path, I love sharing what I’ve learned and helping you find similar success. Actually, I would be beyond thrilled if you took my suggestions and do even BETTER than I have!

To get started, here are a few of my most popular posts:

Stop Thinking and Start Doing: A Goal Setting Starter Plan

62 Things to Declutter That You Won’t Miss at All

Self-Confidence Quotes: 33 Inspirational Quotes You Need Today

The Magic of Getting Up Early and Writing 500 Words

6 Powerful Life Hacks You Need to Stop Being Lazy

The Slow Declutter: A Lower-Stress Way to Clear Your Home

Find organizing ebooks and printables in my shop:

julie hage filling the jars shopify image

Find my fiction and non-fiction books here:

woman reading ebook on brick sidewalk with text overlay books by j.k. hage

Let’s Connect!

Twitter: @fillingthejars

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fillingthejars

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/fillingthejars

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/juliehage

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